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"Studying art has made me more interested in all fields of art. I have been able to expand and develop my visual communication skills and I'm now able to create more effective and convicing imagery. My approach is about personality, integrity and detail. I'm just passionate about creating the bright ideas."

My name is Feby Syanni, I am an illustrator and graphic artist with 6 years of professional experience in the arts. Nowdays, I have set up a S Y /\ N N I artworks to promote and sell various prints of my illustrations as well as original artwork. My work in illustration mixes digital with traditional techniques and drawing underpins everything that I do. I love experimenting with colour; and developing new characters and their environments. I believed there were whole worlds hidden behind the knots in trees, and could attribute personalities to most inanimate objects.


As a mother of my lovely little girl Ayaka, I have to manage my time, when Ayaka is napping or out having fun with her Grandparents I take the chance to make my illustrations. I illustrate that made by order with my style and you can see that entire works on Syanni Artworks page. Well, enjoy my website peeps!   

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